Does your website have responsive web design?  Last year was an unmistakably awesome year for the tech industry.
More than ever, people are spending money on the latest and greatest tablet or Smart-phone for work or play.

But it also shocked the industry as well when it predicted a decline in PC sales for the first time in eleven years!

Instead of PCs, people are opting for more mobile devices such as tablets and smart-phones. In fact, the shift to mobile devices is happening so fast that they expect sales to top notebooks in the coming months

So what do all these numbers mean for your company?

These numbers mean that more traffic is coming into your website from mobile devices.
If your website isn’t mobile friendly with responsive web design, they will find another one that is.

Mobile-optimised websites are no longer a luxury if you want your company to keep moving forward.

Never under estimate the importance of Responsive Web Design in today’s online world.

responsive web design

Mobile users deserve the same quality of Browsing Experience as desktop users and seeing as though more people view and search for websites on a mobile device it is now more important than ever to make sure your website is responsive or optimised for mobile devices. .

It’s important to keep your images flexible and workable so they look good on multiple devices otherwise it will drastically increase download times or look awkward.

Get rid of Non-Essential content. Content overload will slow down load times and lessen mobile users interest. Use the KISS principle as peoples attention span is limited on mobile devices.
Have simple well thought out navigation so users can get what they want quickly. Don’t make it a challenge for your visitors to get the information they need.